Ref# PHDM025

About Me
My name is Kian. I'm a 16-year-old boy.

My birthday is
July 14, 2007.

I live in The Philippines.

Program Partner Organization Name

Little Children of the Philippines (PHDM)


Hemophilia A - Factor VIII



Monthly Family Income Range


My Story

This is Kian, he lives in the Philippines and is 12 years old. He is currently in the 5th grade and his favorite subject is Filipino language. Outside of school, he likes to spend time with his friends and play basketball.

Kian has severe hemophilia A, and he has recently experienced bleeds in his elbow and knee. When he has a bleed, he feels tightness and discomfort in the affected joint. It then starts to swell, and he puts ice on it. If the swelling lasts more than three days, then his older sister helps him infuse with factor. The nearest hospital is 100 miles away, so travel is often impractical.

He lives at home with his parents and two siblings. His father is a welder and his mother tends to the household. The family lives off of $150 per month. Your sponsorship funds would be used for school supplies as well as medication.