Nov 12, 2021

Boys Will Be Boys

Story by Sarah Mumbai, Jose Memorial Hemophilia Society, Nairobi, Kenya.


Francis, 10, and Dan, 8, from Nairobi, Kenya both live with hemophilia A. Their mom, Lydia, spends most time with them when they are not in school. While we have a conversation in their living room, her attention seems to be partially directed towards what the kids are up to just outside the house. Such seems to be the pattern for hemophilia Moms the world over.

Lydia, with Dan and Francis. Photo credit: Joseph Gichoro @jgichoro)


During the COVID period, the Government of Kenya enforced a state of lock-down with a curfew for residents in Nairobi and other major towns. The parents struggled to make ends meet. Their dad, Geoffrey, is the breadwinner. He is a musical artist and gets most his income playing at events.

During this period gigs were hard to come by. The Save One Life sponsorship helped them put food on the table and to live through it until work started coming in again.


Lydia is planning to get a micro-enterprise grant to start a business to increase their household income. She is a part of smaller women’s groups and she believes with their support and that of her husband she can create a sustainable income through her own business.

Due to the challenges of living with hemophilia, kids with hemophilia tend to be shielded and restricted from the most vital part of any childhood, play. But boys will be boys. Having access to factor through Save One Life’s Project Share has allowed them to be boys again. These boys, however, are sure to play safe with each other as they both know what it means to deal with a bleed. Their mom says she has noticed that having each other as playmates has helped a great deal in coping with the condition, and she has gained the confidence to let them play together.


Dan and Francis. Photo credit: Joseph Gichoro @jgichoro)

Sarah Mumbai with Lydia, Dan and Francis. Photo credit: Joseph Gichoro @jgichoro)