Dec 21, 2020
Thank You FFF Enterprises
Founder and President of Save One Life Laurie Kelley with FFF Enterprises CEO Patrick M. Schmidt
Q&A Session with Save One Life's most generous
corporate and child sponsor
Patrick M. Schmidt is CEO of FFF Enterprises. Since 1988, FFF has been recognized as the nation’s leading supplier of critical-care biopharmaceuticals, plasma products (including albumin, intravenous immune globulin and coagulation products) and vaccines.
Save One Life is beyond appreciative of FFF's support for over a decade. Not only is FFF the most generous corporate sponsor of our organization, they also sponsor over 150 beneficiaries!
We recently spoke with Patrick about how he became involved with Save One Life and why he continues to support our nonprofit.
Question: How did you become involved with Save One Life?
Patrick: I don’t actually recall how I formally became involved with Save One Life, but I have known Laurie Kelley for many, many years. I distinctly remember the specifics of our first meeting.
It’s all about meeting and getting to know someone like Laurie who has a genuine interest in the selfless helping of others, and using the blessings God has given my family to help in any way we can.
Question: You were one of the first supporters of Save One Life as a corporate donor and as a sponsor. How have you seen it grow?
Patrick: Since the inception of Save One Life in 2000, the growth and professionalization of the organization has been tremendous. The need around the planet is great and the impact of the global pandemic has to be devastating to our beneficiaries and their families. I am impressed that Save One Life is continually striving to improve, from new systems and procedures to governance. There is a commitment to excellence in the service of others which is quite inspiring and a key reason to continually support this important mission.
Question: What do you like best about Save One Life?
Patrick: The people. From Laurie and Chris to everyone else I’ve met who are part of the organization, there is a mission-first mentality. What can we do to advance modern hemophilia care to every corner of the globe where the less fortunate reside? That’s a monumental task. This team literally stops at nothing and will climb mountains to serve others.
Question: What differentiates Save One Life from other charities you may support?
Patrick: There are many charities that serve impoverished nations and neighborhoods. Our family has supported and continues to support a handful of them. However, Save One Life has a special place in our hearts. Imagine being born into poverty or strife-torn countries and having a chronic bleeding disorder? Save One Life has helped so many of our deserving beneficiaries rise above their circumstances.
As a father of two, imagining a family living in impoverished conditions and having a child with hemophilia with no care, no experience, and no way to provide comfort or pain relief for your child is one of the worst situations imaginable. To the extent that Save One Life has been able to avoid or rectify this unimaginable parenting nightmare is reason to support this mission. If you have kids of your own, this should be personal.
Question: What are your beliefs about being a corporate leader in America and giving back to others?
Patrick: Frankly, I don’t look at it like that. I look at it more as joyful obedience. I am a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. He loved children and it’s something we all have in common. We were all children once; there are many on the planet who are in great need.
Laurie and I have talked about this aspect of faith many times. To be blessed you have to be a blessing. God continues to bless our family so that we might be a blessing to others.
All of us at Save One Life thank Patrick and his family for being a blessing to our organization!