Feb 16, 2022

An Important Part of the Journey



My name is Adrian Vaduva and I am writing as a beneficiary of Save One Life sponsorship since I was 10 years old, just a kid trying to figure out what it meant to live with hemophilia and what I truly wanted my future to look like.


Adrian, 12 years old

Thanks to interacting with other hemophiliac kids and the entire community, my condition and my dream blended together and I decided to become a doctor. Now, I am in my final year of medical school and you have been a very important part of my journey.



When I started receiving the sponsorship I was going through a very rough time. My mother, a single parent with no income, was trying to turn our life around by attending college at 35 years old while trying to raise me the best she could. Your help was unhoped-for and it gave me the stepping stone I needed to start believing I can become whatever I want because there would always be help along the way.

Every year, the sponsorship was a tremendous help, whether I was in high-school, purchasing school supplies and books I needed to apply for medical school or in college, purchasing medical equipment, materials for different subjects, books for my bachelor thesis or for my upcoming residency exam.

In conclusion, I really want to express my gratitude for everything you have done for me and for what it meant to have a helping hand always reached out to me during my years of study.

Vaduva Adrian