The Phillipines


Hemophilia Assoc. of Cagayan de Oro (PHCO)

Cagayan de Oro is a city in the southern Philippines and has a population of 675,000 people. The city is home to the headquarters of several large Filipino corporations and banks. Every year, certain neighborhoods will hold festivals to honor patron saints.


Haemophilia Association of the Philippines, Inc. (HAPI-C) (PHCE)

Cebu is a province in the central Philippines and has a population of almost 3 million people. The city is a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful beaches and resorts. Cebu also produces ships and has trading ports for travelling ships.


Little Children of the Philippines (PHDM)

Dumaguete is located in the south Philippines and has a population of 130,000 people. It is a popular tourist destination due to its warm climate and shopping centers, and is also home to a large industry in IT.


Hemophilia Advocates - Philippines (PHQZ)

Quezon is a province in the northern Philippines with a population of 1.8 million people. The province is mainly supported by fishing and agriculture, growing crops such as coconut, rice, and corn. The province is also a growing tourist destination, as beaches, festivals, and 20th century churches draw visitors from around the country.


Hemophilia Assoc. of the Philippines for Love and Science (PHML)

Manila is the capital of the Philippines. Located on the northernmost island, it has a population of almost 1.8 million people and is the most densely populated city in the world. The city is home to a large seaport, corporate headquarters, and many retail locations. Manila is also a popular tourist destination, as the city is home to a zoo, a museum, a historical walled city, and parks.