Ref# PKLH040

About Me
My name is Faiq. I'm a 13-year-old boy.

My birthday is
August 12, 2010.

I live in Pakistan.

Program Partner Organization Name

Hemophilia Patients Welfare Society - Lahore (PKLH)


von Willebrand

My Story




My name is Faiq. I am 9 years old and I am in the 1st grade of primary school. I do very well in school. I am making excellent progress. My favorite subjects are math, Urdu, and drawing. I enjoyed participating in a debate competition at my school. When I am not in school or doing my homework, I like to watch cartoons and play games on the computer. When I grow up, I want to be an engineer.



I have diagnosed with von Willebrand disease. The hemophilia treatment center that I receive my medical care at is 12 kilometers from my home. I get there by motorcycle, which cost $2 each trip. Thankfully, I have not missed any school due to my bleeding disorder in the last six months. I am a very active boy and I take good care of myself. I regularly participate in physiotherapy session that help keep my joints in good condition.



I live in the city of Lahore, Pakistan with my parents, grandmother and two younger brothers. My father earns $180 a month working in an auto shop. We live in a 2-room house that has a refrigerator and indoor plumbing. Our meals are cooked over a gas stove.



My sponsor recently discontinued participation in the program so I am in need of a new sponsor. Your sponsorship funds will help pay for my medical care.