Ref# PKRP042

About Me
My name is Muqadas. I'm a 11-year-old girl.

My birthday is
February 28, 2013.

I live in Pakistan.

Program Partner Organization Name

Hemophilia Patients Welfare Society - Rawalpindi (PKRP)


Glanzmann Thrombasthenia

Monthly Family Income Range


My Story


Meet Muqadas!

Little Muqadas is six years old and has been diagnosed with Glanzmann Thrombasthenia. Thankfully, the treatment center is only a 20-minute ride using public transportation. Muqadas is treated with fresh frozen plasma when she has serious bleeds. Her doctors are concerned with her poor nutrition, stunted growth and anemia.

Muqadas is in the first grade and her teachers report she is a bright girl and excellent student. Muqadas’s school is a 10-minute walk from her home. On days that she cannot walk, her mother or grandfather will carry her to school. Muqadas’s favorite subject is English. She dreams of being a teacher when she grows up.



Muqadas lives with her parents, grandfather, and two older sisters. Her father (Saeed, age 39) works as a waiter at a small restaurant, earning approximately $150 a month to support their family. Muqadas’s mother (Saiton, age 32) cares for their home. Her sisters (Faryal and Fozia, ages 13 and 11) are both students. Faryal also has a bleeding disorder.

The family lives in a small, two-room apartment in the city of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The home is in poor condition and in need of repairs to the stairs and plumbing. They do have electricity and a refrigerator. Meals are cooked over a gas burner.

Please consider supporting Muqadas. Your sponsorship funds will pay for her school fees, allowing her to access an education and giving her hope for a better future.