Why Mont Blanc?

Climbing Mont Blanc is an exciting undertaking. This iconic mountain peak located in the Alps is achievable for the
novice mountaineer and also revered by the most experienced climbers in the world.

Save One Life executive director and the first person with hemophilia to scale the Seven Summits, Chris Bombardier, will climb Mont Blanc to build awareness and raise funds to tackle the inequity in healthcare around the world.

Joining him will be eight climbers with hemophilia from varying European countries. Sponsored by Sobi, the climb will be filmed for a short  documentary that will be used to spread awareness of Save One Life's mission and highlight the climbers' stories, including the difficulties they have overcome throughout their lives. 

The climb will take place the week of July 8th and consist of 3 days of training. Climbers will learn to navigate on a glacier, perform self arrests in case of falls, and become comfortable climbing with crampons. The climb will take place shortly after. 

Each climber is required to fundraise for Save One Life, which allows us to coordinate these amazing opportunities and, more importantly, ensure that we can support patients in the 15 developing countries where we currently work. 

We look forward to this amazing adventure to help improve the lives of the bleeding disorder community around the world. 

Meet our Climbers


  Anna Fleming Donate to Anna's Climb   Panos Christoforou  Donate to Panos' Climb
  Clive Smith Donate to Clive's Climb   Paul Arnould  Donate to Paul's Climb
  Daniel Šimek Donate to Daniel's Climb   Raphaël Dalmard-Lanchon Donate to Raphaël's Climb
  Jošt Paternoster Donate to Jošt's Climb  
Roberto Centurame
Donate to Roberto's Climb