Ref# CMPP016

About Me
My name is Sovansing. I'm a 13-year-old boy.

My birthday is
January 12, 2012.

I live in Cambodia.

Program Partner Organization Name

Cambodia Hemophilia Association (CM)


Hemophilia A - Factor VIII



Monthly Family Income Range

$300 or Above

My Story

This is Sovansing. He is 8 years old and he lives in Cambodia. He has severe hemophilia A. He is in the 2nd grade. His favorite subjects are Khmer and English. He thinks he would like to work in a pharmacy, like his dad, when he grows up. When he is not in school he likes to play with toys. 


In the past year Sovansing has had severe bleeds in his mouth, knee and ankle. His knee has impaired mobility from past bleeds and he receives physiotherapy to improve his mobility.

Sovansing lives with his mother and father and his 14-year-old sister. His father works in a pharmacy, and his mother works as a cleaner. Their monthly income is about $300. They live in a town, and rent their home. They have running water and electricity, but they do not have a refrigerator. They prepare their food in their home using a gas burner. 

Your sponsorship funds will support Sovansing's education and his medical care.