Haemophilia Foundation of Uganda (UG)
Arnold is 10 years old and in the 4th grade. His school is less than one kilometer from his home, so he is able to walk there. His favorite subject is science. He is making average progress despite regularly missing school due to bleeds. He dreams of being a computer scientist when he grows up. When he is not at school, he likes to play computer games.
Arnold has been diagnosed with severe hemophilia A. He has regular bleeds in his ankles and elbows. The mobility in his left elbow is impaired due to these frequent bleeds. He receives factor infusions at his local hemophilia treatment center. The treatment center is not far, but the public transportation costs $2 per trip.
His family lives in the city of Kanyanya, Uganda which is in the Kampala district. He lives with his parents and older brother and sister. His father works as a businessman, earning approximately $111 a month. Hismother cares for our home and his medical needs. The family speaks Luganda and English in their home.
Arnold's family owns a four-room house that is constructed of cement. They are thankful to have electricity and a refrigerator. The home does not have any plumbing, so they need to get water from a village well and use an outdoor toilet. Their meals are cooked outside over a charcoal fire.
Sponsorship funds help to pay for Arnold's health care and education.