Ref# GN005

About Me
My name is Emmanuel. I'm a 15-year-old boy.

My birthday is
October 6, 2009.

I live in Ghana.

Program Partner Organization Name

Ghana Hemophilia Society (GN)


Hemophilia A - Factor VIII



Monthly Family Income Range


My Story



My name is Emmanuel. I am 10 years old. I live in Ghana and I have severe hemophilia A. I am in the 4th grade at school. I have missed about two weeks of school this past six months due to bleeds. These absences have made it difficult to do well but I am working hard and making progress. I like studying languages and my favorite subjects are Tiwi (language) and English. When I am not in school I like to play with my friends.



In the past six months I have had to travel to the hospital for bleeds in my mouth, groin and knee. It takes two and a half hours to get to the hospital using public transportation and it costs about $20. I do not receive physiotherapy.



I live with my mother and father. My father is a driver and my mother works as a trader. Our family’s monthly income is about $30.  We live in a small town. We rent our house. Our monthly rent is $20. Our house has two rooms. Our kitchen, water, and toilet are in a courtyard outside our home.



Your sponsorship funds will help me to get medical care and to continue my education.