Ref# CMPP012

About Me
My name is Kosal. I'm a 15-year-old boy.

My birthday is
June 22, 2009.

I live in Cambodia.

Program Partner Organization Name

Cambodia Hemophilia Association (CM)


Hemophilia A - Factor VIII



Monthly Family Income Range


My Story



This is Kosal. He is 10 years old. He is currently in the 3rd grade and he is making good progress in school. His favorite subject is English. He also enjoys creative activities in school. When he is not in school he likes to make puzzles. He would like to open a coffee shop when he grows up.

Kosal has severe hemophilia A. This caused bleeds in his knees and ankles that  required treatment at the nearby hospital last year. He is losing mobility in one of his knees as a result of bleeds.  


He lives with his parents and his 19-year-old brother, who also has hemophilia, an in-law, a younger brother, his grandmother and a nephew.  His parents earn about $150 per month. They own their house. It is in a village in Cambodia. It has running water and electricity. It has a kitchen, where they cook meals over a charcoal fire. They do not have a refrigerator.   

Kosal been part of the sponsorship program since 2016.